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Health Forward is supporting and building inclusive, powerful, and healthy communities by prioritizing people who experience the greatest injustices in health outcomes. We are working to remove those injustices through our leadership, advocacy, and resources.
The key resources that guide our policy updates are available on our policy and advocacy page.
April is a key month for both legislatures in Kansas and Missouri.
In Kansas, April usually means a lengthy break before a rapid sprint to the finish for a veto session and the legislative session as a whole, which concluded on April 28.
Missouri tends to have increased urgency to meet their constitutional requirement to adopt a budget by the end of the first week in May. Then legislators work to see if there is any time left over for other key policy points.
People policy goal: People can easily access safe, quality, and affordable whole—person care.
Power policy goal: Participation in our democracy and policymaking process improves health outcomes.
Place policy goal: Our communities are healthy place where people fully participate in the digital economy and build wealth through safe, quality, and affordable housing and homeownership.
Platform policy goal: Community health is influenced by systems, policies, and stories that promote racial equity and economic inclusion.
These highlighted bills are ones we are keeping a focus on, but to see a full list of the bills we’re tracking in Kansas.
These bills highlighted are ones we are keeping a focus on, but here is a full list of the bills we’re tracking in Missouri.