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Date: July 26, 2016 Contact: Jennifer Sykes Phone: (816) 241-7006
Kansas City, MO — The Health Forward Foundation (Health Forward) has awarded 13 nonprofit organizations a total of $596,897 in Applicant Defined Grants (ADG).
Health Forward reviewed 21 ADG proposals totaling nearly $1.3 million in requests.
The following grants were awarded in June 2016:
[efstable width =”100%”] [efstable_head] [efsth_column]Agency[/efsth_column] [efsth_column]Amount Awarded[/efsth_column] [efsth_column]Project Description[/efsth_column] [/efstable_head] [efstable_body] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Baptist-Trinity Lutheran Legacy Foundation [/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$50,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To provide restorative prosthodontic dental services, such as partial dentures or bridges, to Kansas City’s Medicine Cabinet basic dental service recipients.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Blue Springs R-IV School District[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$75,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To support school-based therapists who will provide evaluation, individual, group and family therapy, as well as case management services to combat the epidemic of suicide attempts and mental health issues that have been documented at the Hall McCarter Education Center and The Freshman Center.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Community LINC[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$40,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To support technology upgrades related to health case management and to assist with succession support for organizational leadership.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Community Services League[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$37,500[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To support a program that will provide rehabilitative dental procedures to the under/uninsured.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Curators of the University of Missouri[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$53,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To promote healthy relationships and mental health among people living with HIV in the Kansas City Area.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Ellis Care[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$35,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To eradicate the negative side effects of poverty by building healthier communities.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Historic Northeast-Midtown Association[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$32,963[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To support the executive director position and neighborhood resource capacity building.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Jewish Family Services[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$16,500[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To purchase consultation and technical assistance to enroll in private insurance and potentially Medicaid. This will broaden the financial base and provide more sustainability to support low-income, uninsured clients.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Kansas City Anti-Violence Project[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$50,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To provide support for KCAVP’s expanding LGBTQ Youth Department, which recently absorbed the Passages LGBTQ Youth Drop-In Center into its operations. Funding would also expand leadership in the organization, including the executive director, programs director and youth services manager.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]ReDiscover[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$74,934[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To develop capacity to use data collected during the course of client care for quality improvement, performance reporting and population health management.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]S A V E Foundation Inc[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$50,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To support staff to strengthen the housing services proved to vulnerable clients.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City Central[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$30,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To provide counseling for low-income, underserved seniors and disabled individuals in regards to enrolling for Medicare and applying for assistance in paying Medicare premiums and prescription drugs.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [efstable_row] [efsrow_column]Synergy Services, Inc.[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]$70,000[/efsrow_column] [efsrow_column]To cover rent, staffing, and direct client services for the agency’s Transitional Living Program for runaway and homeless youth.[/efsrow_column] [/efstable_row] [/efstable_body] [/efstable]
Health Forward Applicant Defined Grants (ADG) are awarded outside of the Foundation’s annual Requests for Proposals. ADGs are reviewed and awarded monthly and allow organizations to define their own immediate grant needs in relation to the Health Forward mission. Organizations are allowed to apply for an ADG once per year and are capped at $75,000. In 2016, Health Forward will award approximately $4.026 million in ADGs.
“We are proud to support the work these organizations are doing to remove barriers to health care for the most vulnerable populations in our service area,” said Bridget McCandless, M.D., Health Forward President/CEO.
Learn more about Health Forward Applicant Defined Grants.